Migrant communities’ homeland‐oriented political campaigns are always related to, but often different from, the activism in which local people engage in their homeland setting. In seeking to understand the observed disparities between migrant campaigns and homeland activism, several studies have demonstrated the influence of contextual factors like political opportunity structures on homeland‐oriented migrant politics. Complementing these studies are works that focus on changes to identity and belonging associated with migration and resettlement. In this article, I build on these debates by offering a combined analysis of the intersections between, and interplay of, contextual and identity‐based factors. I use this analytical approach to examine the case of Sudanese political activists resident in the UK. I demonstrate how forms of belonging emerge here as part of – and not in isolation from – the strategic navigations of multiple political contexts and opportunities. In doing so, I contribute to our understanding of how belonging can be contextualized to serve as an analytical lens for understanding homeland‐oriented migrant activism.
Detailed Information
Erasmus University Rotterdam
Date of Publication
Recommended citation
Wilcock, Cathy. (2018). Why are migrant campaigns different from homeland campaigns? Understanding belonging in context among UK-Sudanese activists. Global Networks. 10.1111/glob.12216.
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Marlowe, Jay. (2019). Social Media and Forced Migration: The Subversion and Subjugation of Political Life. Media and Communication. 7. 173. 10.17645/mac.v7i2.1862.